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Denys, Jennifer - Just Good Friends [Friends and Acquaintances 1] (Siren Publishing Classic) Read online

Page 7

  Jessie had never been ushered out of a building quite so quickly before. She laughed delightedly when Sam grabbed her hand and, after hurriedly paying the bill, pulled her towards the nearest cab. Giggling, she knew they were going to have lots of fun when they got back home.

  Chapter Ten

  Sam leaned against the wall of his apartment building. It was 10:00 a.m. on Saturday morning, and Jessie was in a huff because he had left the bed early without saying where he was going. He knew she needed milk for breakfast because he deliberately poured the remaining milk away to ensure she left the apartment. He just didn’t think she would leave it this long before going to get some. He looked at his watch again, 10:05. He was beginning to think his carefully thought-through plan was not so carefully thought through.

  The door opened, and Jessie came down the steps. He smiled evilly. He loved it when a plan came together. Before she noticed he was there, he had wound a fleecy scarf around her mouth, tying it tightly.

  “What?” came the muffled exclamation. Her hands went up to the scarf gagging her. Grabbing her hands to stop her, he wound his other arm around her waist and leaned his head to her ear.

  “Shush, my love.” Jessie sagged in relief as she realized it was just Sam and tugged on the scarf.

  “Uh-uh,” he admonished. “This is a scene from the book we read the other week, and you are going to quietly walk to the blue car over there and get in the back. I don’t want to end up in prison because someone has seen me on security camera!” She did as she was told, and Sam climbed in after her, partly closing the door after him.

  “I know we’ve read other books since, but it’s taken me this long to get things set up. You know how the story works—the girl gets kidnapped by mistake for her friend but stops struggling after being attracted to the guy. You know the type of story, the forced seduction, one of your favorite scenarios. This is a combination of several kidnap-type stories, and they generally seem to involve mistaken identity.” Jessie giggled behind the scarf.

  “Now you need to sit back so I can tie your hands.” Which she did meekly. “Come on now, get in character, a little struggle would be good.” Jessie burst out laughing at this, so he took advantage of the moment to tie her hands together—in front so she wouldn’t panic—with the stocking he had placed in the car beforehand.

  “That’s it—don’t you dare touch the gag—lean back and open your legs.” Sam grinned as Jessie finally remembered the generic plot which called for the heroine to clamp her legs together at this point. He reiterated, “Open your legs or you’ll get something even worse when we get out.” At least he thought the line went something like that. She complied, and he caressed her thigh under her skirt, eliciting a moan from Jessie.

  He then got out, moved into the front, and drove off, arriving thirty minutes later in the drive of the secluded house he had rented for the weekend. He went to let out the girl, who yelled at him behind the gag which she started to pull off.

  “Uh-uh, leave the gag alone. Be glad I didn’t knock you out like in the story. Now you are going to do everything I tell you because I am in charge here.”

  The look Jessie gave him was murderous, and she ignored his assistance and rolled herself out of the car.

  Sam led her into the house and upstairs to the bedroom. “Now I am going to dispense with the flogging scene,” he stated.

  “Good thing, too,” seemed to be the muffled response. Jessie wriggled her arms, indicating she wanted to be untied.

  “Not just yet.” As he left her to go into the bathroom, he saw her frowning. He chuckled. He knew she was trying to remember what else happened in the stories.

  He returned after filling the bath. “Now let’s get these clothes off you. I am going to bathe you, but don’t try to scream or escape because we are miles from anywhere.” He proceeded to divest her of all her clothes after finally untying her but leaving the gag on.

  At this point, she reached up and wrenched it off. “Sam, what is going on? It seemed fun at first but now I’m fed up and hungry!”

  He held a finger to her lips. “Uh-uh, no talking, just do whatever I tell you or you will get a punishment.” She crossed her arms in annoyance, causing a spurt of laughter to come from Sam. “Come on, I know you like your long, hot baths.” He led her towards a steaming hot bath full of bubbles.

  After an initial reluctance, Jessie got in. She sighed, closed her eyes, and leaned back. He knew she’d need to relax after the annoyances of the day so far. She suddenly sat up with a gasp when he started stroking her breasts.

  “I told you I was going to bathe you, and these are very, very dirty,” Sam declared, sensually caressing her breasts with a bar of soap, circling her nipples.

  Jessie moaned and thrust her breast forward. “I don’t remember him doing that with a bar of soap in the book.”

  “I’m improvising. Be silent.” The soap bar made its way down her stomach and between her legs, rubbing back and forth a few times.

  “God, that’s good,” she cried, forgetting the direction for her to be quiet.

  “Tut, tut. For that I’m moving on.” She groaned but still appeared to be enjoying the sensation of the bar caressing her thighs, down her legs and back up again, but this time around to her back. She arched forward as he stroked around her lower back. He put the soap down. She was nicely relaxed.

  Sam smiled. “Okay, now time for the next part.” And he helped her out and patted her down with a towel, lingering in some places.

  She groaned. “You’re going to have to remind me what comes next,” she asked.

  “I did consider calling in some favors so that you could experience the threesome scene.”


  “Instead we are recreating the wax play scene.”

  Jessie pulled away. “Oh no.” He grabbed her shoulders, turned her, and pushed her forcefully into the other room, lifting her onto the bed, tying her hands to the headboard. “Please don’t. I really don’t want to do this.”

  Knowing that when she had read this section in the book, it terrified her, he tried to calm her. “Shh. It’s all right.” He brushed her cheek lightly with his fingers. “Surely by now you trust me not to hurt you.” He felt her relax slightly.

  “Anyhow, I’m going to improvise slightly.”

  Jessie frowned. “Uh, uh. Part of me is intrigued, part worried.”

  Sam lit a candle and waited until some wax was formed. Then instead of dripping it onto her tense body as they read about in the book, he poured it onto his fingers first before quickly rubbing it into her damp nipple, causing a loud gasp from Jessie.

  He repeated the action on her other nipple, getting a groan this time. “Is that good?”

  “I’m not going to admit anything. You’ll only get a big head,” she giggled. Then she said more seriously, “But I’m touched by how you go out of your way to avoid giving me too much pain.”

  He grinned and reluctantly stopped fondling her nipples, making his way towards her clit, where he continued to rub in the hot wax with his fingers.

  “Oh, Jesus,” yelled Sam as he got hit in the chest by her knee in reaction.

  “Sorry.” She laughed.

  “No you’re not. Evil wench,” he responded as he pushed her legs back down onto the bed and lay back in his former position.

  “Hey, you’re the one doing wicked things to my body,” she cried as he rubbed the remaining wax on his fingers into her crease and up toward the rim of her back entrance. He lingered there, pressing, fondling, and separating her buttocks before leaving them reluctantly.

  * * * *

  Sam put the candle down, blowing it out, and grinned as he looked at the girl on the bed. “I’ve got one more scenario to play out,” he said.

  She groaned. “What comes next?” She really wanted him to finish what he started, not arouse her then stop to do something else!

  “Actually this is a different book we are on to now.” He left the bed to get something, hol
ding it behind his back. “Open wide.” He gestured to her legs.

  She did so, thinking he wanted to use a toy on her. Instead, he whipped a camera out and started taking lots of pictures—compromising pictures.

  Jessie closed her legs in panic. “Hey, I’m really not sure about this.” She struggled against her bonds. “I think I need to cry Romulan.”

  “Okay,” he said nonchalantly and put the camera down and proceeded to untie her.

  He was entirely too calm. He was up to something. Jessie narrowed her eyes in suspicion as Sam left the bed to get something else. “Are you going to tell me what that was about?”

  “Hmm, well, it was from the book where the girl falls for a guy in a holiday resort, and there is a scene where he takes some special photos.”

  “Hang on.” Jessie struggled to sit up. “I seem to recall he used those photos afterwards to blackmail her.”

  “Yup, that’s right.” He seemed to be trying to contain his grin as he sat on the side of the bed.

  She scrambled to the head of the bed. “Yes, but he used them to blackmail her into…” She suddenly stopped dead still, leaving her sentence unfinished. She couldn’t finish her thought, let alone say it out loud.

  Sam finished it for her. “In keeping with our book scenarios, I am also going to use the photos to blackmail you—into marrying me.” He then pulled a ring box from his pocket. “I know it’s traditional to get a diamond, but I wanted an emerald for your eyes.”

  Jessie looked at the gorgeous ring, then at Sam, then back at the ring. Sam frowned when she didn’t say a word. She was too stunned to say anything.

  “I should also add that I absolutely adore you. I think I loved you before we began these sessions, but your enthusiasm and courage, not to mention your beautiful bod”—he laughed wryly—“have won me over and made me realize after this is all over I don’t want you to go off with anyone else and try the things we’ve done. I want us to continue trying out different scenarios, and there are thousands of books on Serena Books, so it’s going to take a lifetime.”

  Jessie burst into tears.

  “Oh God, sweetheart! If I am totally off track, please forgive me.”

  She threw her arms around his neck. “You nut, this is wonderful,” she cried between sobs. “I realized I was falling in love with you some time back, possibly during our first night.”

  “So does that mean you’ll marry me?” Sam asked in a strangled voice. Despite her arms being tight around his neck, he clasped her to him.

  Jessie untightened her arms as she kissed his face. “Yes, yes, yes, and yes.”

  He pulled back, holding up both hands in appeasement. “Before you agree any more, I should confess that before I saw that book by your bed, I hadn’t actually read any erotic romances.”

  Jessie gasped. “You, you scoundrel, rotter, rogue, and I don’t know what else.” She laughed.

  “Of course, as your Dom, there are some ground rules. Number one, absolutely no sex with anyone else, so your fantasies of ménage will have to remain fantasies.” He chuckled as she pouted at him. “Number two, at some stage in the future I am going to try the banana thing.” Jessie sat back and crossed her arms in denial. “These rules are mandatory,” he commanded, reaching for her and pulling her back into his arms. “And number three, I am not having any plugs put in me anywhere.”

  At that, she relaxed and moved her body sensuously over Sam’s body, entwining her fingers in his hair, kissing his face and neck. “We’ll see about that,” she whispered and pushed him back on the bed.

  And that was how Jessie came to marry Sam and lived happily ever after, and only they know if they ever did the banana or plug things.



  Jennifer is English and lives in a lovely historical city. Other than writing, her interests include reading (naturally!), all things historical including genealogy, watching films (particularly sci-fi), gardening, jigsaws and walking. She lives with her pet rabbit, who is thoroughly spoilt. Jennifer says she wants to come back as her own rabbit in the next life—unfortunately that would mean she still needs to be alive herself. Maybe there is a time travel story there…

  Jennifer would love to hear from her readers. Email her on [email protected]

  Siren Publishing, Inc.
